So after almost oversleeping and missing out on one of Missoula’s cheap and tasty coffees I made it into class. Not quite with it but ready to rock n roll with macro photography, bringing with it a new side of being up close and personal with your subject.
As was the case over the past few days the lecture flew by. Armed with some borrowed extension tubes and a funky filter to attach to the front of a lens, I was now excited to put this new found knowledge into practice – this would have to wait until our visit to a local nursery. Hopefully photographing bugs, flowers, and all things small wouldn’t grow on me as specific macro lenses run from cheapish at $500, up to $1500. This hobby cum money maker is at least as bad as triathlon in regards to always being able to drop substantial sums of cash!
Critique session two went without a glitch and seeing my four images on a large screen made me kind of proud in the quality of my work, alongside the complimentary remarks from Tony, the lecturer. I was enjoying having my work examined for both the good and bad points.
The evenings visit to the Moon Randolph homestead had us working two different subjects, with twelve images shot at various compositions, using different lenses. Viewing the images on the back of a camera is nothing like seeing them on a high res Mac screen – I’m thinking tomorrow could be another interesting critique day.